пятница, 11 августа 2023 г.

People of the Moon, Sun and Earth – continuation

This is translation of article: https://ugolokvedmy.blogspot.com/2023/07/blog-post.html

Background music for reading this article

In this article, I want to consider another important addition to the understanding of global archetypes (which reflect the basic attitudes in a particular homo, but we will talk about the classification of archetypes another time, this is the subject of a separate research). Here we are talking about the attitude to the law, rules, life presets as such.

First we need to decide what "law (rule)" is, what it means by itself, and here I want to use the definitions of my friend, who formulated it very succinctly:

The laws of the universe or Nature are an integral part of their mechanism
    Human Laws — systems of guarantees and contracts
        Laws of subhumans — rules and prohibitions

Of course, we understand that we cannot overcome the physical laws of the universe (they are not technically surmountable). But all the laws and rules that people invent for themselves are divided into two types: one part is a system of obligations and safety (laws of People), and the second part is conventions for the sake of restricting freedoms in favor of someone's complexes and/or evil will (laws of subhumans). At the same time, you can technically violate any human laws, but sometimes you don't know where the consequences will be worse, and it depends on the society in which these rules are violated.

In any case, it is necessary to understand the following:

Earth energy people always live in an environment of external rules, they do not set rules by themselves for themselves. That is why I also call them non-subjective personalities, because they always agree with what is imposed on them from above. This can be ok, if we are talking about the laws of the universe, with which I see no point in arguing. But the same applies to the laws of the arrangement of the society in which they live. In some sense, these people don't care about rules. They will be satisfied if these rules never change, they will adapt to them and will live happily in such conditions, enjoying the very fact that tomorrow is like yesterday. Predictability is important for such people, and they always rely only on experience. For these people, there is no tomorrow until that day comes, which is why they do not think even one step ahead — they simply do not need to do it. There are rules, there are mentors and teachers, there are rulers, there are law enforcement officers (that is, the hierarchy is clearly outlined). And this does not mean that they cannot suffer from the rules imposed on them. But even if they question these rules, they will never do anything to change the rules of coexistence in society. Earthly people are the basis of any state system. And the degree of preservation of the state machine only shows the percentage of people of the Earth's energy in society, these are correlating systems. There are, of course, nuances, but still we can take it as a rule that the more people of the Earth's energy in society, the more fascist the government will be (here I also have to remind you that the fascist system of existence is one where the totality of people in a certain territorial formation is more important in itself than a single individual from this aggregate). People of Earth's energies are an environment in which nothing but dictatorship can grow. It does not always slide into totalitarianism, but when people actively suppress the energies of the Sun and especially the energies of the Moon, there is an indispensable transformation from autocracy to dictatorship.

It is appropriate to note that it only seems that we are talking about some incomprehensible esoteric terms here. In fact, a misunderstanding of the essence of the energies in which a particular person lives leads to the fact that the principles of the existence of Humanity as such at the present time are not much different from a colony of bacteria that completely depend on environmental conditions (including the fact whether a conditional external observer will pour glucose into a Petri dish or not). Therefore, it is very important to understand here: the state will always suppress any individuality. And that is why for any state (as a mechanistic system), both Solar and Lunar people are enemies, and Lunar people are dangerous in the first place, because the state can still negotiate with Solar people, but not with Lunar people. And this is explained by the following.

People who exist in the energies of the Sun live in the environment of their rules. It is very important for them to outline the boundaries of the known and the unknown. Everything should be clear to them (as we discussed earlier). They need the utmost clarity of existence. And it is important to understand here that people of Sun set the rules for themselves (first of all). They create schedules, regimes (in the sense of the eating and other things, and not just political regimes — we need to talk about political regimes separately, because if Solar people can create them, it does not mean that all political regimes are created by them), instructions, SOP (standard operating procedures, if anyone suddenly doesn't know). They also create safety regulations (which, as we remember, is actually written in blood). Solar people like to live when everything is simple and clear, they are comfortable in the sunlight — literally and figuratively. Yes, in some sense, they exist in a regulated life, but in this way Solar people create comfortable living conditions for themselves. There is nothing wrong with this, such people could create real socialism if it were possible (for the existence of socialism, it is necessary that there should be no more than 10-15% of the Earth's energy people — the figure is taken from Nature). Such people can create democracy, liberalism, anything else (which we may not even know about now). The monarchy of a healthy person is also possible for Sunny people.

It should be understood here that when I write about political regimes, I mean here, in general, "spherical cows in a vacuum", because contemporary humanity completely tramples on the principles of the just existence of any society, regardless of its geographical location. Now there are more bad things than good in any country (a very rough convention, but that's my opinion), so, I don't see any point in naming any countries in these notes. We're talking about potentials. Moreover, I already said earlier that Sunny people make excellent politicians — that is, these people are not just opinion leaders and engines of some general social ideas. Solar people know how to lead society to a harmonious existence for everyone, and they could even do it if they had the opportunity and the appropriate support in society. Here we again come up against the fact that only Solar or Lunar people can sincerely (by the call of the heart) support Solar people. Earth's people do not understand the Solar people, and will not understand. That is why any proposal of Solar people, which will lead to a change in the existence of a conditional Tomorrow, will be perceived by Earth people with hostility, regardless of what is offered, because for Earth people it is better to have a bad but familiar experience than a good but unknown "tomorrow".

Earth people are extremely practical, therefore, they are never ready to give up the known for the unknown. Earth people will always rely only on life experience, because in their extremely pragmatic consciousness there are no abstractions. Such people operate only with concepts of the past, and compare everything current, looking back, because the future does not exist for them — actually, it really does not exist until it happens, so, blame they should not be involved in such behavior in any case.

And since the Earth's people life is sorrowful, boring and full of lack of common sense (I emphasize — for an external observer, they themselves may not think so), they perceive everything unfamiliar with hostility on the subcortex, because they do not have a positive experience of change on which they could rely. Earth's people live in an environment that is obviously hostile to them (although they may not realize it, especially since their conditions are often really so difficult that they have no time to think about it), because social superstructures only use them, sometimes too cruelly. Therefore, Earth's people know for sure that any change in society that they do not understand will, as a rule, be to their detriment, and not for good. In this world, none of the representatives of states have ever really sincerely cared about people, only those who were later called "saints" did it, but this is also a separate topic for conversation. State machines grow out of the lack of will and common sense among the "common people", being created by the parasites of society. Of course, parasites never think about those on whom they parasitize, so, everything is logical. And that is why the state machine will do everything to artificially make in society as many Earth's people as possible, suppressing both Solar and Lunar people — the whole human history speaks about this. Thus, Earth's people can only be forced to go in a conditional Bright Future (by the "kick in the pants" method, for example), because they themselves will not go anywhere. Earth's people should be given the order to go to a Bright Future, and not offer it as an option of choice (because if they are offered a choice, then, as mentioned above, the choice is obvious to them here: they will choose only what is familiar, that is, no experiments with the future). In the 20th century, there were several examples when people were forcibly dragged into the "bright tomorrow", but they all ended with disastrous results, because these were not the ideas of Solar People, but of Earth's in its worst forms, who tried to mimic the Solar people. As a result, it was the triumph of some incredible Injustice (true, here I don't want to go into it anymore; anyone who knows the history understands what I want to say, especially since this blog is not political).

It's important to understand something else here. When I write about people of the Earth's energies, I really sincerely sympathize with such people, because there are not so many real Chthonic people among them. Most of them have simply been driven into a terrible framework by external conditions since childhood. These people have been instilled with a fascist system of existence since childhood. They were not just not explained that they are individuals, that they are subjective, that they can live as they want in their hearts (within the framework of compliance with the Criminal Code, of course), that they have the opportunity to determine their own future. In fact, these are people with a stolen future. Their environment has been trying to make Earth's people comfortable for society since early childhood. That is why they were mentally castrated as children. And in fact, most people on the planet are either Solar or Lunar people. At the same time, the main part of people are of the Solar type, and this is also normal, because a healthy society does not need many Lunar people. And here's why:

Lunar people are people who live in an environment where there are no rules in principle. These are people of absolute freedom (here I note that I share the concepts of "freedom" and "permissiveness" — these are fundamentally different concepts, and here I am talking about "freedom"). For them, nothing is more important than freedom. Lunar people exist in an environment where you always have a choice. This does not mean that there are no rules for such people. On the contrary, Lunar people can follow the rules. And often they are forced to comply with them (because life in society is always a search for compromises). But. For Lunar people, artificially imposed rules (laws, prejudices, conventions) will never be higher than common sense. The law of gravity on planet Earth is immutable. A person is walking along the road, and if he jumps up, he will not stay in the air for long — he will quickly land back. This is an absolute law of nature, it is impossible for a naked person to overcome it without special means. But to run a red light at 3 a.m. at an empty intersection, if there are no cops nearby, it is possible for a Lunar person (of course, after making sure that it will be absolutely safe). Because the road is empty, it's 3 a.m., there's no one around at all, and — most importantly! — by violating this rule, you do not cause any inconvenience to ANYONE, much less harm (that is why, where the municipal authorities are smarter, at 3 a.m. such intersections become unregulated, which is quite justified for nighttime). Yes, the cops can catch you, they say, why are you driving at a red light at night. You will never explain to them that it's three o'clock in the morning, and you're not bothering anyone, and this traffic light causes you only inconvenience, but this is a separate conversation which demonstrates that the world of people of the Earth's energies is absurd, due to the rules are most important for them. It is absolutely unacceptable from the point of view of Lunar people.

Lunar people are in some sense innate paranoids, but they are also strategists. Such people perfectly analyze the environment, they have an innate risk analysis, and understand that it is truly safe only in those societies where each member is ready for any potential danger (of course, for such people, the society of people of the Earth's energies is always extremely dangerous, because Earth's people sometimes do not see beyond their own nose, and they constantly create all kinds of bullshit).

When I try to talk to Earth's people about the conditions of existence, when the rules are not the absolute dominant, and you are for a reasonable approach in everything, then such people remember only anarchy (like Makhno or other anarchists of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, who did bad things, and, in fact, were not anarchists, but nihilists, which is also fundamentally different concepts). Anarchy, according to generally accepted definitions, is really a terrible dream of a person of the energies of the Earth, because it implies existence without power, without a governing body. Wikipedia correctly writes that the anarchist community completely rejects hierarchy. And this is absolute madness for a person of the energy of the Earth, because it is always important for an Earthen person to know before whom he kneels, and who he can spit on — for him the arrangement of these priorities is very important (these people judge about others first by clothes). For people of Earth energy, existence outside the hierarchical system is unthinkable, for them the Maslow pyramid is an understandable and pleasant way of existence, especially for those who are closer to the top. For Solar people, anarchy is also a terrible dream, because it is an existence without rules. It would be uncomfortable for them in such a society, but it is impossible for them, because in any anarchic community Solar people will quickly restore order. Also, there is nothing wrong, for example, in safety arrangements. Lunar people are able to establish safety rules, as well, and much more thoughtful, because Lunar people always see further than Solar ones.

And this is where the main problem of any community begins, because all human laws are written based on the worst case. That is, laws make suitable even for people without will, without common sense, who are unreasonable, like a small child. Contemporary society on the planet Earth regulates the existence of all people based on the principle that everyone is equal before the law, and that is why they cannot focus on those who are used to being responsible for themselves. And, as we remember, there is a very good saying: equality is the highest form of inequality, and therefore any modern community on planet Earth is doomed to an unfair existence. All due to the fact that it is impossible to divide who is who. Sometimes ordinary people cannot to differ the intellect from madness or meanness, so, there is no need to be surprised: everything comes from (not)understanding of people of each other, which directly depends on who you are — Earthy, Solar or Lunar type of person. Therefore, it is necessary to accept the injustice of any community as a given, and no longer bother about it (especially when discussing this topic).

It is also important to understand that Lunar people can exist without rules, but this does not mean that they will necessarily exist outside of rules. Lunar people are quite socially adaptive. But their adaptability is of such a high level that only Solar people can recognize it. However, people of the Earth's energies will not just never accept it — they immediately begin to ask the question: why is it possible for him, but I can't? This is the key issue that any attempt to introduce a just existence in society breaks down. And explanations like "well, it's because he can, but you cannot" don't accept (otherwise we would have fundamentally different traffic rules, for example).

I repeat, because this is very important: equality is the highest form of inequality. Historically, all laws in contemporary societies are oriented to the weakest link, with minor amendments depending on the development of a particular society. Let's look at this in an example with the traffic rules mentioned above (although this applies in all areas). If someone knows how to drive a car perfectly well, and driving even in the most dangerous conditions is not difficult for him, because this person also has common sense, he is still forced to obey the general rules that are written for a person who just got his license yesterday, and does not have sufficient experience driving a vehicle. Is it good or bad? This is good question, because the fact is that focusing on the weak link violates the rights of really capable people. But it's not customary to talk about it out loud — it's not even customary to let people think about it. Because our planet is ruled by people of the Earth's energies (simply because they are the majority, these are the dominant energies at the moment), and they are also very touchy.

Thus, we summarize an important conclusion from the above (here again my friend's laconic formulations will come in handy, with which I completely agree):

Earth's people live in an environment of external rules
    Solar people live in an environment of their own rules
        Lunar people live in an environment where there are no rules in principle

This is an irreconcilable contradiction for any community. Is it possible to overcome it? It is possible if you bring this information to the surface, and not leave it as a modest reasoning in an unknown blog. This principle is not recognized by any of the current state models. And in general, laws are always written for everyone, and that is why in those cases when the laws go beyond the 10 Christian commandments, which have essentially become the basis of any Criminal Code, "merry" dancing of injustice begin. Some societies have managed to overcome contradictions, some have not. Somewhere, in general, everyone is put under the same conditions, gagging all dissenters. But in any case, now all that can be done with this information is to recognize it and accept it at least for yourself, so as not to ask a stupid, in my opinion, question, why is there so much injustice in this world? That's why.

Again, let me quote the laconic statements of my friend on this topic:

    The one who has no power of his own aspires to power.
    The one who aspires to money is the one who is worthless himself.
    The one who does not have his own greatness aspires to the state.
    The one who aspires to religion is the one in whom there is nothing divine.

As I mentioned above, people of the Earth's energies are very touchy. And they also have a lot of Shadows (according to Jung), which they never admit to themselves, because they like the glory of the Solar people and the mind of the Lunar people. At the same time, Earth's people have neither one nor the other. Also, there can be confusion here, because many people do not understand the difference between the words "mind", "intelligence", "common sense" and "wisdom" — these are all very different concepts too. Our world is generally full of people who argue about things without agreeing on terms and definitions. That is why I found it necessary to first properly analyze the basic terms and concepts that will be actively used in this blog, and then we will proceed directly to the witch cases.

Here it is appropriate to introduce an additional definition of how Solar and Lunar people differ from each other. Any Person is always a balance of Will and Common Sense.

Will is the ability to act, coming from the depths of the soul of the actor himself, it is the ability to act in principle, and sometimes it is also the ability to not act (active non-action, i.e. the ability to actively resist). Non-action can also be a manifestation of will (which, by the way, it is reflected in the Major Arcane of Tarot "Strength", one of the two most misunderstood Major Arcana along with "Justice", which were reversed in the English tradition, but this is a separate topic). Will is the driving force of any personality, so, we often talk primarily about willpower.

Common sense is a manifestation of intelligence based on experience and analytical abilities, it is a synthesis of experience and forecasting, it is a manifestation of worldly wisdom, and the ability to use accumulated knowledge in a prospective sense. Yes, this is a property of intellect, and intellect is always a retarding force of any personality. Common sense is an innate ability to analyze risks, for its existence, the presence of intellect is necessary, because intellect is a machine that serves common sense (very roughly speaking; here you can argue with me about terms and definitions, but I deliberately simplify too much, otherwise we will completely go into the wilds of reflection, losing the essence of this note). If a person does not have at least the rudiments of intellect, then he will not have common sense. However, this does not mean that the presence of intellect is a sign of the presence of common sense. I know a lot of people who have the opportunity to develop their brains, but for some reason do not do it (it does not matter now why — the fact is important to us as an example), and therefore exist outside common sense, happily feeling himself in the energies of the Earth.

A person should strive for a balance of Will and Common Sense (hereinafter referred to as Balance), but there are not very many people whose Will and Common Sense are in a 50/50 ratio. And in general, people are basically mobile systems, it does not happen that a person in a continuum is the same. We are all a permanent struggle of different energies in our imperfect physical shells. But if Earth's people are people who do not have either will or common sense (or both, which is generally quite sad, and we'll talk about this in the next note), then Solar and Lunar people differ in which direction the Balance is shifted.

Solar people are people with a predominance of active power of personality — that is, such people have more willpower.

Lunar people are people with a predominance of passive power of personality — that is, such people have more common sense.

At the same time, it should be understood that common sense and will are present in both mentioned types of personality, this is an important point. The absence of one of the components of this Balance automatically places such a person in the realm of the energies of the Earth, which are passive and ultimately exist only in the conditions of the natural development of environmental events. This is an unconscious, almost bacterial existence. Where there is no will, there will only be suffering from unjustified expectations. Where there is no common sense, there will be a lot of mistakes. This is a fact that you just need to understand and accept. People are imperfect, but only because it so happened that some of our fellow tribesmen on the planet found themselves in conditions where their will and/or common sense were suppressed for some reason.

In each child, it is necessary to educate both willpower and common sense, and the ratio between them will already be established by itself, depending on the personal characteristics of the individual. It's impossible to push people to show their will without common sense. And common sense without will is also useless (then it's all empty "conversations in the kitchen"). At the same time, it is not necessary to demand from people that they have a perfectly Balance. Each person is unique, and even beautiful in his own way. I don't want to build theories here about what to do with all this earthly energies, especially since while there are such things as "government" in their current form. In current time, we can only dream about the triumph of justice. There is another interesting point here: some believe that everyone has their own justice, but this statement came out of the mouths of people of Earthly energies, because justice is one and in fact it is the very law of everything that describes the interaction of everything with each other in the Universe. But here we are delving into the new wilds that are not related to the subject of this note, we will talk about Justice separately, especially since there is also something to talk about here.

When a person is responsible for his own life, when he is aware of his strengths and weaknesses, when he recognizes that he can and cannot (and people very often do not know how to recognize the limits of their capabilities), and at the same time his whole essence is aimed at development, then and only then can we speak about the Personality. Because Personality is an extremely dynamic system that does not tolerate constancy, which exists simultaneously in several dimensions:

- Personality has a basis from the past, because every experience is priceless,

- Personality has a current moment, which he/she listens to very carefully, relying on all available methods of detecting this current moment (five senses plus intuition or inner voice),

- Personality has an image of the future, because he/she always knows what he/she wants, and what he/she needs from life, i.e. he/she has a vector of development (this is what a person strives for and for which he/she lives).

I note here that it is incorrect to say that anyone can be a Person, because everyone should be a Person. Ultimately, only Solar and Lunar people should remain in my image of the "ideal future", but such a world is a terrible dream of the modern man in the street. And as long as these ordinary people do not understand who they really are, we will live in the world in which we live. So far, and nothing can be done about it in the current situation. Will it be always like this? — Good question. According to my forecasts, this situation is not eternal. But it is possible that it is not eternal, because the current civilization on planet Earth is not the last. Therefore, it is not eternal, that sooner or later we will all disappear into oblivion (by the way, it is called either the fifth or the sixth — I was not particularly interested in this issue, but there is also such information, although it cannot be verified, because all previous civilizations (allegedly) were wiped off the face of the Earth, so it does not matter, we are the second or hundredth — we will never know about it).

In any case, without understanding there is no recognition of the problem. And it is not necessary to solve all the problems by force — I am just for natural evolution, which can be accelerated, but again: this is not the topic of this blog. Here I just share my knowledge and my understanding of life. Who doesn't like it, you know how to close the browser, and never come to this blog again.

For those who are interested in the structure of our world, you are always welcome here. I will be glad to discuss these or other issues on the pages of this blog or in personal correspondence. It seems to me that these are very important questions, because now the world is mired in total lies, and we are either dealing with this lie, or the current iteration of a "reasonable" existence on our planet will end sooner or later. And it seems to me that in our current "Earth Project" (let's call it that) there are a lot of interesting things that could be saved for this beautiful universe.

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