воскресенье, 10 сентября 2023 г.

People of the Earth's energies

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This is translation of article: https://ugolokvedmy.blogspot.com/2023/08/blog-post.html

This text is a continuation of previously raised topics, so, reading it without familiarizing yourself with what was written earlier will not be entirely correct, you may not understand a lot.

The purpose of this article is to briefly describe that people of the Earth's energies (Earth People) are globally divided into three types, depending on whether they have or lack the energies of the Moon and/or the Sun.

I should to note, we proceed from the fact that each person has a unique set of personal qualities, but this does not mean that the planetary society cannot be divided into groups, especially since misunderstanding the differences in these groups leads to the catastrophic consequences in which our planet now exists, when we see a total and widespread failure of diplomacy.

Anyway, let's get to the point. There are three global types of Earth People:

    Type 1 Chthon — people only with the energies of the Moon
    Type 2 Chthon — people only with the energies of the Sun
    Type 3 Chthon — people who have neither the energy of the Sun nor the energy of the Moon

I honestly say that Earth people are not very interesting to me as a subject of explore, because, in fact, the whole history of human thought is devoted to the exploring of just such people. Also, unfortunately (let me allow such an expression), people of the Earth's energies are the overwhelming population of our planet, therefore, to understand the life of any society, this knowledge is necessary.

I'm more interested in people of the energies of the Moon or the Sun. And here I will remind you that in every Lunar and Solar person there are both types of these energies. They are called Lunar or Solar depending on where the Balance is shifted, given that Lunar people are people with a predominance of common sense over will, and Solar people are people whose will prevail over common sense. Both of these types of people are united by the single term "people of good judgment" who exist on the Balance of the energies of the Moon and the Sun (the ratio of these energies in each sane person is not constant and may shift in one direction or another depending on the situation). Lunar or Solar, these people are called primarily actions in one direction or another. The dominant energy in a person can be only 51%, so, it is important to fix the idea here that a people of good judgment always has both the energy of the Moon (common sense) and the energy of the Sun (will). However, how to count these percentages is a separate question, and this is not the topic of this article. Now it is important to understand that this is just a convenient convention for understanding who is who in reality. This classification is important for the better understanding between people.

The fundamental difference between sane people and non-sane people is the ability to negotiate. The ability to conduct a conversation on equal terms, that is, outside the hierarchical system, where the parties come to an agreement, disagreeing on the principle of "okay, I accept your point of view unconditionally," and it doesn't matter why unconditionally — simply because of weakness of character or because you feel a red-hot poker in the anus (and there are such arguments in disputes). Agreement becomes the result of the search for a middle way, when the parties accept the pros and cons of each other and work out a joint solution, which is the median for both sides — that is, come to a compromise.

Thus, based on the above, people of the Earth's energies, unfortunately, cannot be called people of good judgment. Therefore, they can also be conditionally called "people of non-good judgment". And by this term we will mean people of the Earth's energies of all three types.

So, let's move on to the details.

Type 1 Chthon — people only with the energies of the Moon

Also, this group can be conditionally called "lousy intellectuals" — a term that was born in the Soviet Union, and it is at the same time evidence of excessive suppression of intellectuals at the state level in this country.

The point is that if a person has intelligence, has a huge amount of knowledge in his head and an understanding of this knowledge, then without willpower this knowledge is useless. There was a joke in the Soviet Union that an intellectual is protected from life by two things: a wife and glasses. And this anecdote clearly reveals the idea: what's the use of your knowledge if you don't use it even for the good of yourself? To know something just in order to know (this is often demonstrated by "erudites" in various entertainment shows claiming to be intelligent) is a waste of brain resources. Knowledge without will does not bring any benefit either to the owner of this knowledge himself or to the society surrounding him. As for the state level, any state needs just such intellectuals: quiet and uncomplaining. But since the intellect never allows itself to dictate someone else's will, it can only be repressed. That is why the so—called "sharashki" were invented in the Soviet Union. It was scientific and design bureaus-prisons for intellectuals, where an intelligent person was kept locked up, using him as a slave, in the literal sense of this terrible word. If in some prison colonies now, for example, they sew clothes or make furniture, then in the "sharashki" of the Soviet Union, people developed secret weapons, nuclear bombs and other bad things that people of the Earth's energies still prefer to use as arguments in their international disputes.

The human psyche is very mobile, so the will can be suppressed (how the will is suppressed, we will not analyze it, because these are always criminal acts, but I note that these are always influences aimed at triggering the victim's self-preservation instinct). Strictly speaking, all states are interested in suppressing, first of all, the will of the people, because this is enough for the prosperity of any totalitarian-fascist system. In fact, people belonging to type 1 Chthon are an unhappy people whose will was broken for one reason or another. These are failed Lunar people, who, as a rule, due to external circumstances, are afraid to show their will so as not to get hit on the head once again. Hence, the expression "lousy intellectual" — these people are weak-willed, because the instinct of self-preservation tells them so. A person can be weak-willed, of course, by virtue of birth, but here the presence of will depends on the parents, since whether a person's will is suppressed or not depends only on the model of upbringing in which this or that person grew up. This is especially important in the first years of a child's life, when each "you can't because you can't" develop an innate helplessness complex in a person.

Here we will not delve deeply into this topic, since we do not consider how it turns out and what to do with it. It is only important for us to indicate that such exists. I personally deeply sympathize with such people, realizing that sometimes these people really cannot, for very specific reasons, show their will. As a rule, it is impossible to condemn such people. But here the situation may not be hopeless, as it is often amenable to correction, however, all this is strictly individual, and depends on each specific case. The history of each such person should be unwound to deep childhood, unless, of course, we are talking about people who passed the repressions of the Soviet Union — there such problems could form in quite normal people at a later date in their lives.

In any case, type 1 Chthon is the most harmless kind of people of non-good judgment, especially since they can think quite sensibly, but animal fear makes them cowards. Although their inoffensiveness, of course, is very relative, since sometimes inaction also leads to terrible catastrophes with mass deaths of people, when it may not be a joke at all: the tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are an example of the consequence of the actions of those, among whom there were people of this type. Therefore, they are relatively harmless compared to the other two types of Chthon.

Type 2 Chthon — people only with the energies of the Sun

Also, this group can be conditionally called "mad activists". This group includes those for whom the main thing is to act, not to think. These people have significant problems with the instinct of self-preservation, and it was about these people that they came up with a joke about the "Darwin Prize" (as well as a joke about 98% of deaths that begin with the words "see how I can"). There are a lot of contemporary politicians among these people (or those who are trying to engage in politics), not realizing that will without common sense is just as meaningless as common sense without will. Only in this case it is worse than the example discussed above, because thoughtless actions, as a rule, lead to all sorts of problems, catastrophes, troubles and senseless heroism. It is these people who exist on the principle of "they created a problem for themselves, and now they are heroically overcoming it." Among these people there are many so-called "heroes" for, to put it mildly, not very smart people, who admire their courage, although they are not heroes. For example, such people can voluntarily go to prison, allegedly defending their own principles, although, in fact, this is not heroism, but stupidity, since there is no sense in sacrifice if this sacrifice is not a trigger for a tectonic shift in society. I am not saying that there are no feats of the spirit, feats in the name of defending their beliefs, in the name of saving people. I do not deny people the right to sacrifice themselves in the name of something or someone. But "don't confuse God's gift with scrambled eggs". Here we are talking about people who, with their activity, it is just important to hide their stupidity. Like, if I do, then I mean something — at least for myself. Also, this type of people does not include those people who do something contrary to common sense, but not because they do not understand the consequences, but because they are more unbearable in the current situation (for example, when some people simply cannot remain silent). That is, it is necessary to separate activity with an understanding of the consequences and, accordingly, acceptance of them, and activity at random, when you do not think about the consequences. Of course, there is a very fine line here, and you will not always understand where any case is (i.e., where is insane activity and where is conscious sacrifice), but we must understand that such people, as a rule, act to the detriment of society. This is a manifestation of pride — the very one that is one of the 7 Christian mortal sins, and which should not be confused with pride.

By the way, in disaster medicine, it is separately stipulated that there are people who need to do something in an agitated state (for example, in the case of a car accident), and such people, providing assistance, can kill the wounded, so, such people must be given a specific task — like, run meet an ambulance at a nearby intersection. Official science, of course, does not know such a term, but this is a special case of a type 2 Chthon manifestation.

It is important for us to understand that this is an extremely dangerous type of Earth People, and very often they are dangerous for themselves too. As for the adjustment of behavior of such people, this is a very difficult issue, because making people think is one of the most difficult and most unsolved tasks facing Humanity at the moment. Moreover, all historical science shows that all states at all times have tried to do everything so that people think as little as possible (strict adherence to laws without explaining the essence is one of the mechanisms of this process, but far from the only one). Parasitic social superstructures need thinking people the least. That is why in our world there is a deliberate use of the term "training" instead of the term "education" with a terrible substitution of concepts [there may be a not quite correct difference in terms at translating, since these terms are taken from the Russian language, although, I tried to make the translation as close as possible in meaning], and instead of the term "development" they use the term "formation", moreover, in the second case they already do without substitution of concepts, but use the word "formation" as a substitute for the word "development" due to the word "development" is unacceptable in fascist systems. In principle, these people are not hopeless, but all human thought has not come up with anything better than a system of checks and suppression of the activity of such people to suppress excessive expression of will without common sense. Strictly speaking, any repression is created for the sake of suppressing the will. Therefore, the states of such people can do only one thing: Type 3 Chthon. Which is a very sad case.

Type 3 Chthon — people without both energies

Unfortunately, these are just mindless creatures who live a life physiologically not much different from the life of an amoeba. The sun is shining — they are happy. It's raining — they're sad. They are like plants, where the Sun shines, that's where they look. It is representatives of this type of people who go on vacation to the occupied territories, they can easily swim in the water in which the corpses of people who died in the tsunami float (as it was, for example, in the case of the flood in Thailand in 2004). In fact, these are the most dangerous people for all people on the planet, because of their thoughtlessness and weak-willed nature, political tragedies happen first of all. These are not people, this is a human substrate, which, however, is not as hopeless as it seems, because it can produce both Solar and Lunar type people (and the appearance of sane people in this environment is always a manifestation of protest against the established system from which this or that individual has grown). Although mostly this mass breeds its own kind. What to do with them? In fact, the answer was given by the Abrahamic religions, who simply decided to accept the existence of such people as a given by inventing a system of checks and balances. In fact, these religions have created a system of prohibitions and restrictions, the essence of which is to make all this type 3 Stuff convenient for the existence of a more or less healthy society. Moreover, I would not put a cross on these people either, but working with them is always very difficult. You can make both Lunar and Solar people out of them, but here Eastern religions immediately say that it is impossible to do this in one human life, Eastern religions assume that this happens in several lifetimes. I personally think that theoretically it can be done in one lifetime. Another question is, who needs it and why? Since it is also necessary to understand that each person lives his own life by himself, and disposes of his karma in the first place, too, by himself, so, here violent interference from outside "for the best of intentions" can rarely lead to a positive result. By the way, in fairness, it should be noted here that in Christianity it is not for nothing that it is emphasized that every person has free will, and the Abrahamic Higher Power (they call it God) nurtures this will in every person. What actually tells us the way to work with people of this type: first, to let them know that "they are not trembling creatures and have the right." And secondly, to somehow make them think with their own head (we are talking about theory here, how this applies in practice, I honestly have little idea).

As a result

In any case, it is important to understand the following: the proposed classification is needed NOT to humiliate or offend, but in order to understand what energies need to be developed in this or that Earthly person. Weak intellectuals need willpower, and mad activists need common sense. As for the amoeba-people, everything is very sad here, since the existing state systems encourage the existence of just such people. These are the most convenient people for any state, thanks to which the rulers of different countries can create even the most seemingly unimaginable madness (who cares, study the regime of the Pol Pot in Cambodia, that's where was real madness, and it's all because the vast majority of people had neither will nor common sense). When people do what they are told, without subjecting orders to analysis, military dictatorships happen, especially since type 3 Chthon has a lot of complexes and all sorts of unhealthy dictates in the soul. Someone calls it Darkness, but it's not Darkness, it's just that impenetrable earthly darkness. The souls of such people often look like fetid swamps. And here we must admit that some such souls are amenable only to violent adjustments (that is, when a person is not forced to change himself from the inside, but is placed in a system of strict restrictions, and life imprisonment can be included here, as an example, and not a new reason for discussion, there is actually also about what to talk about, but this is not the subject of study of this blog).

What is usually called "brains", this is only for type 1 Chthon. The other two types, sorry, without brains. Moreover, they are completely turned off in type 3 Chthon, there are not even glimpses of common sense, which can flash in type 2 Chthon (type 2 Chthon is still not as hopeless as type 3).

Here I repeat the conclusions voiced above: from an Earthly person of type 1, you can make a Lunar one, and from an Earthly person of type 2, you can make a Solar one. It's almost always not easy, but here the situation is not hopeless, there is something to work with, and it's even interesting to work with such people, so, that they live, and not just exist. Of course, all such work should not be violent, such transformations of people are forcibly prohibited by the laws of the Universe (for now, just accept this information as a fact, we will also talk about this in more detail, but in the following notes), and for the success of this event, the person himself must want to change, it must be his own decision — to stand on a new way of life.

With Earth people of type 3, everything is quite difficult. As I said above, what to do with them — the Abrahamic religions more or less came up with. They just work with type 3 Chthon, so, here you also need to understand that these religions were created specifically for type 3 Chthon, for no one else. Another thing is that representatives of these religions consider the whole world as such, since it is generally assumed that all people on Earth are more or less the same (which of course is not the case at all). Also, I am not quite sure that a violent solution to the problem can solve the problem, since people who are essentially type 3 Chthon, in principle, have never been considered independent players in the history of Mankind. The maximum who paid attention to them were writers, and even then often in a dismissive manner (take at least Dostoevsky's reasoning about "little people"). The esotericism of Earthly people is right only in one thing: you really need to accept yourself as you are, but this is just the first step out of many subsequent steps that will lead you into the arms of the Sun or the Moon. Without development, any current state will lead to mental death. For life is movement, and here we mean the movement of the mind first. To calm down on the fact that you are beautiful here and now, and so — forever, is deception and speculation. Sometimes even a very cruel deception. This deception will never make any society better, it is a strategically vicious practice.

The most important thing that people lack in the energies of the Earth is honesty with themselves. Another thing is that often they are satisfied with everything, and this honesty will only make them unhappy. But it's like overcoming a high pass, beyond which a beautiful valley begins. Here I will say in metaphorical language: people of the energies of the Earth live all their lives in a barren desert, and it depends only on them whether the neighboring beautiful and fertile valley behind a difficult mountain pass will be accessible to them or not. The development of easy paths does not promise, but the life of a person who has devoted himself to self-development is so beautiful that all difficulties on this path are always rewarded handsomely. It's like in that saying: those who don't take risks don't drink champagne. Life in the vector of development is really full of risks and dangers. But only in this case it is Life (with a capital letter). What can Humanity achieve if everyone living on the planet is guided by will and common sense? We do not know the answer to this question, because the modern history of the current civilization (whether it is the first or not) does not know examples when sane people dominated society over non-sane people. But I personally would be very curious to know.

Human is a unique phenomenon of Nature, that's for sure you should never forget. And each of us should gratefully accept the gifts of the Universe, which are common sense and will. It is impossible to betray these two best qualities of any person in yourself in any case. And, I hope, readers of my blog do not need to explain why this is so.

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