суббота, 6 января 2024 г.

How do I shuffle a new deck correctly?

This is translation of article: https://ugolokvedmy.blogspot.com/2024/01/blog-post.html

This question always arises when you buy a new deck of cards. It doesn't matter what kind of cards they are — Tarot, Oracle cards or ordinary playing cards (for poker and other games). The manufacturers stack the cards in package in order, and if you mix the cards incorrectly before using them for the first time, then we will get too many cards in a row that are close in the suit. This is not good, especially when using mantical practices. Of course, most tarologists use the random card selection method, and in this case it may not seem important whether the cards are shuffled or not. But it is still better to use mixed decks, especially since the process of shuffling the deck has not only practical, but also magical meaning (it is important not only to shuffle the cards, but also to remove excess energy from them, and shuffling helps to do this very well).

So, you bought a new deck of cards, and you need to prepare it for work. Most deck preparation practices describe how to prepare a deck energetically. But few people write, how exactly to shuffle it. I have developed a fairly effective way of shuffling a new deck, which immediately allows you to get a tool ready for immediate work. This practice does not imply the use of additional magical practices, but only because everyone has their own method of magical activation of the deck. And in this case you can decide for yourself how you activate the energy of the deck: before shuffling or after, it is at your discretion. Here we consider only the technical aspect.

Well. We bought a deck, took off its packaging, got acquainted with the cards or even worked on it (it all depends on what kind of deck it is, in a familiar system or not, but this is also not the subject of this note). Here we answer the question, how do I shuffle the deck?

1. Take the deck in your hands and shuffle, as playing cards are usually shuffled.

At this stage, primary mixing is taking place, but it is still very insufficient. This is only an auxiliary stage, which allows us to increase the randomness of the sample in the next stage.

2. From the resulting shuffled deck, we randomly start choosing one card at a time in any order: one from the bottom, one from the middle, the next one closer to the top, and so on. At the same time, you need to remember that the first and last cards may be next to each other, so it's better to pull out more cards from somewhere in the middle.

3. We put each card face up in front of us (you need to see the image of each card). This allows you to control the process, and you will see that in this case the cards really get in any order.

4. Periodically, the cards can be shuffled again. That is, you take out 10-15-20 cards, then shuffled, take out another 10-15-20 cards, shuffler again, and so on.

5. This method is suitable for shuffling cards with only straight significations, as well as with reversed ones. In order for the deck to contain reversed cards, you need to put one card straight, turn the second card reversed, and do this in turn, alternating "straight, reversed, straight, reversed..." and so on alternating to the end. In this case, the cards should also be placed face up in order to better control the mixing process of straight and reversed cards.

6. When all the cards are placed face up in front of you in a new deck, you need to take it and shuffle it again. At the same time, if the deck has reversed cards, there will be exactly half of the reversed ones. That's all, the deck is ready for practical use.

Regardless of whether there are reversed cards in the deck or not, they will be very well mixed.

It is always better to take cards out of the deck randomly, and such decks do not require careful shuffling, because there are no repetitions, so, if you pull out cards randomly, there will be an absolute random (guided solely by Providence and your inner voice).

For decks with reversed cards, this method is suitable in the sense that if you turn over only part of the deck, then straight and reversed will still be about 50/50 (even if some card turns over after assembly the wrong way — here the Will of Chance plays, but this is not a disadvantage).

This method is applicable to absolutely any deck. Random sampling allows you to get to know the deck better at the same time. And pay attention to the last card — this is the deck's answer to your readiness to work. These are always very interesting cards for me. And the decks themselves perceive this method of shuffling very favorably.

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