воскресенье, 17 марта 2024 г.

THE ELEMENT – what is it?

This is translation of article:https://ugolokvedmy.blogspot.com/2024/03/blog-post.html

Background music for reading this article

First, let's look at the term: what is "element"?

In different cultures, the number of elements varies. But since this blog exists in the egregore of culture, which is currently called "Western", we will look at this issue from this POV.

In Western culture, there are 5 elements — Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether (Spirit in various interpretations).

But I think there are 9 of them, and that's why.

The elements are separate types of energy, primary elements. Certain phenomena that are unambiguous, understandable and do not cause doubts about their existence.

If we examine this question, it turns out that there are actually nine of them — according to the number of possible states of matter.

These are:

    1 – Solid Matter of the Earth's Crust (what is called Earth),
    2 – Water,
    3 – Air,
    4 – Fire,
    5 – Plasma,
    6 – Metal,
    7 – Ether,
    8 – Plants (biomechanical life, insects, fungi, microorganisms can be included here),
    9 – Homoiothermic and poikilothermic life forms (various animals).

Here I want to note that the numbers do not rank these elements, they are just a list in any order.

The above nine elements are primordial elements that can be interacted with, including the magic level. These are the primordial elements that a human can influence.

Esotericists combine them into 5, because there are common groups:

    Water itself is a unique substance.

    Fire — this also includes Plasma.

    The Air is something that is not visible, but what we breathe.

    Solid matter — gives Metal, Plants and Forms of life.

    Ether is what is the binding energy between all elements, this includes everything that cannot be registered by human senses, although it exists — this is interatomic interaction, the energies of interatomic space. 

In fact, an ordinary human controls 8 energies, and the 9th energy (Ether) is available only to Magicians.

However, it should be understood that the term "element" itself is nothing more than a convention.

This is a convenient "crutch", by which everyone means what is convenient for him. Generally accepted concepts of the elements are used to organize disordered phenomena in order to eliminate discord in terms. And if we look at this question with the utmost honesty, these are all the conventions of a narrow group of people, moreover, archaic conventions that have come down to us from the depths of centuries in accordance with the ideas of the ancients, which does not quite meet the modern view of the world around us.

Simply put, the term "element" or "elements" is a convention adopted by ancient Magicians to designate the energies with which they work. These are well-established idiomatic expressions denoting the Forces of Nature. Types of energy. Variants of the existence of Matter. At the same time, it must be understood that Matter and Energy are actually the same thing. Of course, Matter/Energy is not homogeneous, therefore, the elements are types of primordial essence, the initial elements from which our world was once woven a very long time ago.

Therefore, it turns out that there are 5 generally recognized elements, although there are only 9 of them.

At the same time, man is not an element.

It should also be understood that Light can also be called an element, since it is energy in itself, although we do not allocate it here.

And Darkness is not an element, because for me, it is an area of space without energy — something like an Abyss or a Great Void.

The element is actually one — it is Energy in its endless manifestations.

We are surrounded by the Great Dance of Being, which is the Universal Law of Everything. This Dance swirls energies in space. Nothing disappears without a trace, nothing comes from nowhere, the whole world is an endless chain of transformations of one energy into another, so, there can be exactly as many elements as a person wants.

In the dualistic energy system, there are two energies — it is energy or there is no energy (0 and 1), it is Light and Darkness.

In the Trinity system, Space and Energy are connected by Spirit (Ether).
In the materialistic sense, there are 4 elements, because the layman can't feel anything else (and even then there are big doubts about the Air).

In the esoteric sense of the elements 5, because here dialectics meets the Trinity, that is, two dualistic pairs must be connected by a common element, and then the quintessence appears — the fifth element, which unites all the others (a very speculative convention).

But, as I noted above, in the magical sense, the element is one, it's Energy in itself, as is, which has an infinite number of subspecies. The magician interacts with everyone at once or with some kind of selective one (by magicians I mean Moon People, who are both true magicians and real scientists).

So, the term itself is not only a convention, it is a cheat convention, thanks to which some not very smart people simplify the world for themselves. In fact, this system makes it possible to simplify what actually needs to be studied, this is an attempt to embrace the vast with a meager brain. The solution to the problem is not through the search for an answer, but through action, so to speak. This is an incorrect term that should be used exclusively in a poetic sense, when you use it for the sake of a witty remark, in moments of fun and not particularly intellectual activity. This is an ideologically incorrect term that is misleading and makes people confused.

This is if you think about it in the most general way.

However, this term has other aspects. For example, what is the term "element" in the esoteric sense?

Here, in general, we have little "space for maneuver", since this is a term that was coined a long time ago by ancient magicians. In fact, this is a hasty simplification. Once upon a time, when someone trying to understand our world, some people's ideas came to a dead end, and then this ancient someone came up with such a construction. In fact, this term was coined hastily, they clung to it and will not let go in any way. The most important thing is that this is something that should have been abandoned long ago. Using this term is clinging to the past, since it is difficult for conservative minds to retrain to new concepts, and even some "magicians" (of the chthonic series, of course) do not like to learn. Therefore, this is a convenient old convention, which is not true in its essence, but it has been "adopted" for so long, they have already got used to it. And they still cannot abandon it due to the great reactivity of the esoteric community, which, on the one hand, is afraid to break the system, since this will lead to the breakdown of the paradigm of habitual existence (roughly speaking, they will have to fuss creating a new philosophical system), on the other hand, and cannot do it, because the mind not enough.

The Higher Forces do not like this term due to this is a kind of frozen artificial structure that someone in the past just seemed successful in solving their current tasks. This term allowed many esotericists of the past to exist calmly and carefree, allowed them to move on in their actions in life aimed at their own well-being. But this information was not obtained as a result of, so to speak, "divine revelation." This is a purely speculative construct, invented by people for their convenience, Higher Forces have nothing to do with it. One can even assume that this term was once pushed against common sense.

Summary: elements are ancient conventions adopted by magicians to denote the primordial essence, the primary elements from which our world was made up (or any other world can be made up of them). This is the result of the manifestation of energy in space, types of energy in space. The ancients simply did not distinguish in detail the composition of the natural elements surrounding them, besides, they did not know much of what we know about the modern world. In particular, metal is isolated into a separate element, but to forge a sword, you need ore from the bowels of the Earth. At the same time, the metal has its own properties. Plastic in this sense is also a kind of element, but Nature did not invent plastic (although maybe George Carlin was right: when Nature needed plastic, then she invented humankind — this is a joke... almost). At the same time, we see that not all types of these energies could be felt by ancient human, therefore, before the discovery of air, such an element was not even suspected.

So, it makes sense to use these terms only for artistic purposes, when they have no practical meaning.

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