воскресенье, 4 июня 2023 г.

Communication between people of the Earth, Moon and Sun

This is translation of article:

Well, in the previous post we considered the issue of the energies of Men, Women and other people of the planet Earth (yes, in this blog all things will always be called by their proper names). In this connection, a natural question may arise: what is the practical meaning of this knowledge?

The answer is quite simple. Understanding the essence of the question, who is who in this classification, reveals the reasons why some people not only do not understand some other people, but they will never understand. There are quite serious aspects in this question to understand how communication links between people are built — if, of course, it can be built in principle.

Here it is important to emphasize that when we talk about the energies of the Earth, Moon or Sun, it does not mean that these objects are the absolute and only source of these energies. These celestial bodies are the most powerful source of these energies from all the objects of the surrounding world available to us for observation. In some course, these are correlational designations. This is a convenient convention, established in archetypes of esoteric world.

But let's return to the question indicated in the title of this article.

People who exist in the energies of the Moon are capable of understanding people of absolutely any type — both Solar and Earth.

People of the Solar type will always understand only the Earth ones, and as for the Lunar ones, at best they can simply accept them, but no more. The Solar people don't understand the Lunar ones.

As for people living in the energies of the Earth, they do not understand either Solar or Lunar people. At the same time, they are also most often afraid of the Solar people.

This issue was partially raised in the previous article, but I decided that it was important to highlight it in a separate information block.

The above scheme easily describes all the pitfalls of all societies on our planet, which essentially boil down to the same thing: a huge mass of people live with a narrow worldview, not interested in anything beyond their own nose, and consuming life according to patterns proposed from above (these are Earth-type people). People of the Solar type break into politics, but often they are Earthly people hiding behind the desire for Solar energy. And at the same time, intelligence is in the first place only for Lunar people. But there is no social aggressiveness in Lunar people, they do not climb into politics and barricades, they are rarely opinion leaders outside their narrow social groups. An ordinary person existing in the paradigm of the energies of the Earth cannot distinguish an intellectual from an outright freak, they are all crazy (insane) people for him. And, by the way, my words are partially supported by an old folk saying that a smart will understand fool, but a fool will never understand smart. And yes, it is important to understand that intelligence is on the side of the Moon, because Solar energy often relies on muscle strength and good luck.

Please note that when someone talks about communication within the society, they always focus on emotions and never pay attention to intellect, because the majority of people do not have high intellect, this is a medical fact. However, the majority believes that right is on its side, only because it is the majority, thereby denying the intellectual minority the right to its own opinion. Although people of earthly energies often have an extremely poor idea about the structure of our world. People of Solar energies easily use Earthly people to their advantage, and at the same time people of Lunar energies always remain on some side, not understood by anyone, although the issues of human progress and building a road to a Better Future are on their side. And when very difficult times come, everyone runs for help to people of the Lunar type.

And then the hard times pass, and people of the Lunar type again become ordinary crazy freaks in the eyes of society.

Nobody likes intellectuals. And never loved. But that's okay, not everyone should be intellectuals. There are not much of them need for the development of Humankind.

I am concerned about something else: among ordinary people who exist in earthly energies, in fact, their true potential is often either not revealed or suppressed. For example, the Soviet education system completely suppressed any sprouts of individuality in children, extinguishing any creative principle. The Soviet school formed a certain type of person, actually disfiguring the child's soul. But you don't have to do that. I believe that every person has some talent, every person can be good at something. If desired, we can reach every soul. And this is the most important problem of Earth-type people: there are a lot of people with unrealized potential among them. With Solar or Lunar people, everything is more or less clear, these people exist as they want, bearing independent responsibility for their own lives. Earth-type people always rely on someone. Even if it's a high-ranking politician. If you like, we can introduce an additional definition: Earth-type people, unlike Lunar or Solar people, do not have subjectivity (because they are not Personalities).

The problem is also that society, consisting mainly of people of fairly low development, is not used to recognizing that there is someone more developed than the average layman. And this is absolutely logical and understandable for the reason mentioned above: Earthly people cannot recognize what they do not understand. It is impossible to take offense at them for this or somehow blame them for it. There is no awareness in such people, so, they obey the instinct that tells them to run away from everything incomprehensible. Therefore, the ordinary Earth Chthon will always be arrogant towards the Lunar people. Yes, this is a manifestation of stupidity and lack of intelligence, but what can you do, it has always been so, and it will always be so. It is because of this that witches were burned at the stake in the past. It is because of this that orthodox materialists are now laughing at everything that cannot be measured with available measuring instruments, which are actually too imperfect to show us reliable measurement results, not to mention that measuring instruments have not yet been invented for some natural phenomena.

Thus, we need to understand one simple thing: every cricket should know its place. Without this harmonious existence in society will not work. And this is that we have at the moment, alas.

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